Marmalade is not just for toast! It's delicious in cakes, ice cream and sweet and savoury sauces. AGA Specialist Dawn Roads shares her recipe and tips for Seville orange marmalade - chunky style!

1.4kg (3 lbs) Seville oranges
2 lemons
2.2 litres (4 pints) water
2.7kg (6 lbs) granulated sugar
1. Wash and dry the fruit and cut into eighths. Remove the pips and place these in a square of muslin. Place the muslin in a basin, so any juice is captured too. Using a food processor, process some of the fruit with a little of the measured water for 20-25 seconds until it is chunky and the fruit chunks are more or less the same size and repeat until all the fruit is used.
2. Place in an AGA Stainless Steel Preserving Pan with the pips, wrapped in the muslin ‘bag’, any juice and the remainder of the water. Bring to the boil on the boiling plate, stirring occasionally. Cover the pan with its lid.
3. Transfer the covered pan to the simmering oven for 1 hour, until the peel has softened.
4. Meanwhile, place the sugar into a large basin and place in the warming oven, warming plate, or at the back of the AGA to warm, this makes dissolving the sugar easier.
5. Remove the pan from the simmering oven and add the warmed sugar, place on the simmering plate to fully dissolve the sugar then move to the boiling plate and boil rapidly until setting point is reached.
Note - The setting point of marmalade is around 105°C (220°F) which you can check with a jam thermometer or, alternatively, by using the ‘wrinkle test.’ For the wrinkle test method, put a saucer in the refrigerator before bringing the marmalade to boiling point. When the marmalade reaches the point where you think it is ready, remove the preserving pan from the heat, spoon a little marmalade onto the cold saucer and leave it for 5 minutes, then push the marmalade with your finger, if it ‘wrinkles’ it is done. If not boil the marmalade for another 5 minutes and retest.
6. Let the marmalade settle for 10 minutes then decant into the clean, warm jars, seal and label when cold.
Dawn’s tips:
• Wipe up splashes of marmalade immediately as they happen – keep a damp cloth handy for this.
• Wash empty jars in hot water, place on a baking sheet and place in the simmering or warming oven to dry and sterilise, ready for the marmalade