Jerusalem Artichoke & Roasted Red Pepper Dauphinoise

The number of home grown Jerusalem artichokes can be overwhelming at their winter harvest time. This recipe combines these delicious vegetables, layered with roasted red peppers, garlic butter and cream as a luxurious accompaniment. Many thanks to AGA Specialist Dawn Roads for sharing this recipe. 

Jerusalem Artichoke & Roasted Red Pepper Dauphinoise

25g butter, softened

1 clove of garlic, grated

Salt and black pepper

750-800g Jerusalem artichokes, peeled (if you prefer to leave the peel on, scrub them well)

3 roasted red peppers, from a jar, sliced

250ml double cream

Salt and black pepper

To finish:

Melted butter

Sliced spring onion or chopped fresh parsley


1. Cream the soft butter with the grated garlic and seasoning. Slice the Jerusalem artichokes, reserving the neatest slices for the top layer. Place the prepared artichokes into acidulated water (water with added lemon juice) to preserve their white colour, whilst the remainder are sliced. 

2. Put a layer of sliced artichokes into the base of the Portmeirion for AGA White Gratin Dish, dot with a third of the garlic butter and one sliced red pepper. Season. Repeat with two more layers, arranging the ‘best’ slices on the top. Pour over the cream and cover the gratin dish with a piece of buttered foil.

3. Place in the AGA baking oven on the third runner down and cook for 45-65 minutes until the artichokes are tender. Check throughout cooking as the time varies on how thick the artichokes are sliced. When tender, and most of the liquid has been absorbed, remove the foil and brush the top with melted butter. Place at the top of the roasting oven to finish and colour the top. Garnish with slices of spring onion or chopped parsley.  

Rayburn cooking: Bake in the centre of the main oven at 190ºC, Gas 5 for 45-65 minutes and finish uncovered at the top of the oven.

Conventional cooking: Bake at 190ºC, fan oven 170ºC, Gas Mark 5. Finish under the grill.