Lifestyle & Trends

10 interior design trends for the next decade

Biophilic Design Conservatory

 As part of our 100th anniversary, we’re looking at trends that will see us through the next decade and beyond. It’s easy to think the home of the 2030s will be hugely different from the ones we live in today, but that doesn’t really seem to be the case. We will definitely be looking for our homes to work harder, but not by installing robot helpers. Here, we take a look at how the home is likely to evolve over the coming decade…

Biophilic Design

Ten chefs we love

Chef Tom Sellers

 Amazing chefs have the ability not only to turn prosaic ingredients into something sublime, but also to change the way we look at food, design and culture as a whole. As part of our 100th anniversary series, here we look at 10 chefs we believe will help shape the future of dining. Some are new, others have been around a little longer, but between them we think they’ll have a huge impact on food in the decade to come…

Tom Sellers

10 Designers we Love

Louisa Grey with AGA 7 Series 100 at House of Grey

Great design makes a huge difference to the way we live. Whether it’s a product that looks beautiful and performs seamlessly, a kitchen with the perfect layout, or a building that has been sympathetically renovated to provide rooms that fill the owner with joy, great design undoubtedly adds a whole new dimension.

As part of our 100th anniversary series we’re looking at 10 designers we believe set the standard for the future. Some are new, others long established, but they're the ones we think will help shape the look of our lives in the decade to come…

10 Plant-based Eating Trends

Vegan Burger

As part of our 100th birthday celebrations we’re looking at the future trends that will shape the way we live through the next decade. This month we’re focused on plant-based eating… 

While many of us aren’t yet ready to become vegan, there’s certainly a shift towards consuming less meat by adopting a flexitarian approach to eating. The great news is that there are plenty of exciting ingredients and innovations to keep meal times interesting.

10 Sustainability Trends for the Next 10 Years

Naturally Sassy cooking on her AGA eR7 Series

Trends come and go, but as part of our 100th birthday celebrations we’re looking at those which are set to stand the test of time. High on the agenda for many homeowners is sustainability. Many of us want reassurance that the products we’re buying and the way we’re choosing to live in our homes is not having a negative impact on the environment. Here, we look at some sustainability trends set to endure… 
