Traditional Slow Roast Shoulder of Lamb

Enriched with delicious flavours, our slow roast lamb is the perfect informal summer entertaining dish.

One of the best things about cooking slow roast shoulder of lamb, is that it can be prepared in advance and left to cook in the simmering oven using our Anodised Deep AGA Roasting Tin, whilst still enjoying family time.

No constant checking and it does not matter if it cooks for an hour or so longer then stated. 

Slow Roast Shoulder of Lamb

Serves 6

Slow Roast Shoulder of Lamb

A shoulder of lamb 1.5kg - 2kg 
A couple of onions, peeled and sliced
A few sprigs of rosemary and thyme
A bulb of garlic, cut in half through the middle

Feta Crumble 

A pack of feta cheese, broken roughly in to chunks
15g each of fresh mint and fresh dill, finely chopped
The zest of a lemon

Easy AGA Flatbreads

250g plain yogurt
350g strong white flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp sugar 


  1. Take a roasting dish and place the sliced onions and herbs on the bottom.  
  2. Season the lamb with salt and pepper and place on top.
  3. Tuck the garlic bulb halves in to the corners of the dish.
  4. Slide the tin onto the third set of runners in the roasting oven (or oven on R8 setting) and roast for 30-45mins until browned
  5. Then transfer to the simmering oven, lowest set of runners down for 4-5 hrs to slow roast. It can be left to cook longer if more convenient for you. 
  6. Check the meat is cooked to your liking before serving.

Serving Suggestions

Traditional roast lamb:

  1. Carve the shoulder by cutting along the central bone and under each of the pieces on the top of the shoulder, set them aside.  
  2. Turn the shoulder over and cut the piece of meat off in one piece.
  3. Slice the three pieces roughly and serve with hot gravy, redcurrant jelly and mint sauce for a traditional roast along with some crispy roast potatoes.

Shredded Lamb Shoulder with Feta Crumble and Easy AGA Flatbreads

  1. Take two forks and pull the cooked lamb apart, making sure to turn it over to get to all the meat.  
  2. Place in a warm serving dish and season with salt and pepper.  
  3. As you serve each portion, top with feta crumble and serve with some fresh baked flatbreads.

Feta Crumble

  1. Use the pack of feta cheese, broken roughly in to chunks and place in a bowl.
  2. Add 15g each of fresh mint and fresh dill, finely chopped.
  3. Top with a zest of a lemon.
  4. Gently mix the feta, herbs and lemon zest together.  

Easy AGA Flatbreads

  1. Mix all the ingredients together, knead briefly then divide into 8 - 12 balls.  
  2. Roll out each ball into a round or oval shape.  
  3. Cook for just a few minutes directly on the AGA boiling or simmering plate or hotplate on simmering setting, using tongs to turn once the underside is coloured.  
  4. Wrap in a clean tea towel to keep warm until ready to serve.

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