Instagram Live with AGA

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TV Presenter Sarah Moore

Lockdown has seen the way we all communicate change so much, with Zoom meetings, online quizzes and even virtual cocktail parties suddenly becoming part of everyday life. 

Another great way to keep spirits up has been to tune in to a wide range of Instagram Lives. From school work for children through to daily exercise routines, there’s been something for everyone. 

We’ve had a number of great chats on Instagram Live, on topics ranging from mindful cooking with Jackie Jones, trends with consumer futurist Will Higham and cooking and gardening with TV presenter Sarah Moore.

And last week we joined AGA demonstrator Penny Zako as she taught us how to cure bacon, make gravadlax and cook a risotto the AGA way. 

We have many more Instagram Lives planned, so please do follow us @aga_cookers if you aren’t already and keep an eye out for what’s coming next. If you have any ideas on topics you’d like to see us cover, do send us a message on Instagram as we’d love to hear your thoughts.